The Martin Duberman Fellowship


The Martin Duberman Fellowship

An endowed fellowship named for CLAGS founder and =
first executive director, Martin Duberman, this fellowship
is awarded to a senior scholar (tenured university professor or advanced i=
ndependent scholar) from any country doing scholarly research on the lesbia=
n/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer (LGBTQ) experience.

University affiliation is not necessary. All appli=
cants must be able to show a prior contribution to the field
of LGBTQ studies. If you are not sure whether you will be eligible for the=
award as a senior scholar (e.g., if you are not a tenured professor), we r=
ecommend that you contact us well before the deadline so we can make a dete=
rmination; otherwise, you may be
declared ineligible after the deadline and your application will not be su=
bmitted to the committee. The award is adjudicated by the
fellowships committee of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Stu=

The winner of the fellowship may be asked to parti=
cipate in CLAGS’s Colloquium Series the following academic
year to present their research project.

Award: $7,500

Application due: November 15.


Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


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