The Fordham University HIV Prevention Research Ethics Training
The Fordham University HIV Prevention Research=
Ethics Training Institute (RETI) is now accepting applications for its Sum=
mer 2013 program, scheduled for July 7-17, 2013. The RETI offers ethics=
training and financial support for
a mentored research project that will contribute to evidenced-based resear=
ch ethics practices. Applicants must have: a doctoral, medical or equivalen=
t degree in social, behavioral, medical, nursing, public health or related =
fields; demonstrated scholarship
in HIV prevention research; and 6 years or less post-doctoral experience. =
Applications must be received by March 8, 2013. For application and additio=
nal information please visit:
Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies
Indiana University-Purdue University
CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Phone: 317.278.8454
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