Suggestions for a non north American coauthor – transgender, HIV

Dear SAN Colleagues,


A colleague sent me the following request which I co=
uld not help with (I do not know the individual or his work) so I thought I=
would tap the SAN collective knowledge/network bank.  Please let me k=
now if you have thoughts on her request
whether in regard to the person she mentions or know of other potential fo=
lks who would be perfect for this project. Thanks! – CF



I’m writing to see if you could help make e-introduc=
tions between Adnan Khan and me.  I was asked to lead a paper on trans=
gender issues for an upcoming Lancet series on HIV and sex work.  Ther=
e are about 4 confirmed co-authors right now,
but we are heavily weighted with North Americans.  I’m looking for a =
co-author from South Asia who is knowledgeable about and sensitive to trans=
issues as well as knowledgeable about HIV.  Adnan Khan was recommende=
d, but I don’t know much about him.  A quick
search showed that he has published one paper on hijras and HIV. 
Do you know more about him and his appropriateness for his project? 


Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


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