SAN member Judy Auerbach featured among the POZ 100

Dear SAN Colleagues,


I wanted to alert you all that this year’s POZ=
100 is out and SAN Member Judy Auerbach is featured. The theme of this yea=
r’s list is Accelerating the End of AIDS and the intro notes "As Secre=
tary of State Hillary Clinton declared last year
and President Barack Obama has reaffirmed, we can achieve an AIDS-free gen=
eration. The question for world leaders is no longer can we, but will we.&q=
 The list is divided into &q=
uot;Seekers and Hunters, those scientists who make the groundbreaking disco=
veries that inch us closer to a cure…. the Defenders, those researchers w=
ho explore ways to prevent others from getting HIV…
the Soldiers, those advocates, politicians and celebrities on the front li=
nes in the fight to end AIDS."  Judy is among the Defenders!&nbsp=


You can read the write up here:
. Congrats to Judy! Awesome work!



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Soci=
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue=

CA 306b, 425 University B=

Indianapolis, Indiana 462=

Phone: 317.278.8454


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