SAN Award Winners, Transitions and Business Meeting in at ASA

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Dear Colleagues,

This year’s SAN business meeting is Saturday, August 22, 2015 6:30 to 8:15p=
m at ASA. Given the less than ideal time that ASA always gives us, we will =
start at 6:30 sharp and finish the meeting by 7:30.

1. I am pleased to announce the winners of this year’s SAN Awards which=
we will recognize at the business meeting. Congratulations!!!

a. SAN Career Award – Prof. Barry Adams

b. SAN Scholarly Activity Award – Suzan Walters, Doctoral Student, Ston=
y Brook NY, Sociology

c. SAN Martin Levine Paper Competition Award – Gowri Vijayakumar, Doct=
oral Student, Berkley, Sociology

So far I have confirmed that both Barry and Suzan will attend the start of =
the SAN meeting so be sure to stop by to congratulate them in person! The a=
wards will be the FIRST item on the agenda as I know this time conflicts wi=
th other meetings/receptions!

2. Officer Transitions

a. A huge thanks and congratulations to Valerio Bacak. Thanks for the =
several years served as our SAN Newsletter editor and for doing such an ama=
zing job! Valerio is stepping down as he has finished his doctoral degree a=
nd has accepted an assistant professor position at the Rutgers School of Cr=
iminal Justice. Congratulations!

b. A huge thanks to Neal Carnes for severing as treasurer/listserv mana=
ger for these past few years. Neal is getting ready to start his dissertati=
on research so is focusing his time more on that very demanding project!

c. Carrie will be stepping down as SAN Chair this year due to competin=
g demands. She will take over the treasurer and listserv manager position f=
rom Neal and maintain the website [yes, it’s been dated for a while now as =
it has not been maintained since Alton stepped down three years ago; I star=
ted to simplify it as it’s not used much anyway; I really think it is our l=
istserv and awards that are the most useful aspect of our network these day=
s so we should prioritize maintaining those].

3. SAN positions that need to be filled

a. SAN Chair – I am more than happy to help during the first year of t=
ransition. It is not hard work but does involve commitment and taking an ac=
tive role and time. At a minimum, it involves arranging once a year meeting=
s at ASA [which I think should be reduced to every other year or even bette=
r, transition to online meetings as we can arrange better times in the onli=
ne world; ASA provides free space but awful times], organizing committees f=
or awards and advertising award opportunities in the spring of each year; a=
ssisting the other officers in their roles; announcing winners of awards to=
ASA footnotes, etc. The Chair role can also do more if he/she wants, such =
as try to arrange special sessions at conferences, or even arrange special =
meetings with local folks or mini conferences. It is a volunteer position s=
o there is no need to go beyond the basic minimum requirements but if the C=
hair wants to, one can. There is a small budget available. I have been ope=
rating at minimum capacity in the Chair role since being in the position as=
it has been really hard to keep up with even minimal duties for me. Also k=
now that it is a great service addition to your CV, especially for assistan=
t Profs.

i. If interested in the SAN C=
hair Position, please let me know ASAP; again, I can help with transitions =
and we have some previous Chairs who are still a part of the network who wo=
uld share advice if needed.

b. SAN Newsletter editor. Only published once a year [though due to tra=
nsitions, no letter was possible this year]. This is quite a bit of work w=
ith all the images we included, etc. and I know that folks liked it. But th=
at said, maybe it’s time to STOP the newsletter and just have e-news text a=
nnouncements every once in a while via email that the SAN Chair or an E-new=
sletter editor can circulate. Similar to such sent by sections of ASA with =
updates every once in a while. The Chair could do this or we could have an =
officer role.

i. If anyone is interested in=
this kind of role, let me know.

4. SAN DUES: PAY UP! SAN yearly dues are indeed due and some members ha=
ve not paid in years [we have about 130 members but just over half are full=
y current with their dues]. With this many officer transitions we will als=
o likely update our network. So if you are not current for the past few yea=
rs, we may remove you if we do not receive your dues by the end of August. =
Our dues are extremely affordable and help fund our student competitions, =
maintaining yearly fees for the website, and other network related costs, a=
s well as allow for periodic expenses that may come up [e.g., like when Cha=
ir Tasi put on a mini conference]. So please PAY up or let me know that you=
would like to opt out of your SAN membership.

Ok, that’s all. My sincere apologies for this late information. I should h=
ave made these announcements earlier. Hope to see you at the SAN Business M=
eeting. Again, I promise to keep the meeting short as I know it’s a really =
bad time. Try to get there a few minutes earlier if you can 🙂

Best, CF
Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Sociology, Director of Graduate Studies
Indiana University-Purdue University, School of Liberal Arts
CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

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Dear Colleagues,


This year’s SAN business meeting is
Saturday, August 22, 2015 6:30 to 8:15pm at A=
SA. Given the less than ideal time that ASA always gives us, we will start =
at 6:30 sharp and finish the meeting by 7:30.


1.   &nb=
I am pleased to annou=
nce the winners of this year’s SAN Awards which we will recognize at =
the business meeting.

a.    =
SAN Career Award – Pro=
f. Barry Adams

SAN Scholarly Activity Award=
– Suzan Walters, Doctoral Student, Stony Brook NY, Sociology

c.    =
SAN Martin Levine Paper Comp=
etition Award – Gowri Vijayakumar, Doctoral Student, Berkley, Sociolo=


So far I have confirmed that both Ba=
rry and Suzan will attend the start of the SAN meeting so be sure to stop b=
y to congratulate them in person!
The awards will be the FIRST item on the agenda as I know this time conf=
licts with other meetings/receptions!


2.   &nb=
Officer Transitions

a.    =
A huge thanks and congratula=
tions to Valerio Bacak. Thanks for the several years served as our SAN News=
letter editor and for doing such an amazing job! Valerio
is stepping down as he has finished his doctoral degree and has accepted a=
n assistant professor position at the Rutgers School of Criminal Justice.&n=
bsp; Congratulations!

A huge thanks to Neal Carnes=
for severing as treasurer/listserv manager for these past few years. Neal =
is getting ready to start his dissertation research so
is focusing his time more on that very demanding project!

c.    =
Carrie will be stepping down=
as SAN Chair this year due to competing demands. She will take over the tr=
easurer and listserv manager position from Neal and maintain
the website [yes, it’s been dated for a while now as it has not been=
maintained since Alton stepped down three years ago; I started to simplify=
it as it’s not used much anyway; I really think it is our listserv a=
nd awards that are the most useful aspect of
our network these days so we should prioritize maintaining those].


3.   &nb=
SAN positions that ne=
ed to be filled

a.    =
SAN Chair – I am more =
than happy to help during the first year of transition. It is not hard work=
but does involve commitment and taking an active role and time.
At a minimum, it involves arranging once a year meetings at ASA [which I t=
hink should be reduced to every other year or even better, transition to on=
line meetings as we can arrange better times in the online world; ASA provi=
des free space but awful times],
organizing committees for awards and advertising award opportunities in th=
e spring of each year; assisting the other officers in their roles; announc=
ing winners of awards to ASA footnotes, etc. The Chair role can also do mor=
e if he/she wants, such as try to
arrange special sessions at conferences, or even arrange special meetings =
with local folks or mini conferences. It is a volunteer position so there i=
s no need to go beyond the basic minimum requirements but if the Chair want=
s to, one can. There is a small
budget available.  I have been operating at minimum capacity in the C=
hair role since being in the position as it has been really hard to keep up=
with even minimal duties for me. Also know that it is a great service addi=
tion to your CV, especially for assistant

bsp;           &nbsp=
;            &n=
i. &nbsp=
If interest=
ed in the SAN Chair Position, please let me know ASAP; again, I can help wi=
th transitions
and we have some previous Chairs who are still a part of the network who w=
ould share advice if needed.

SAN Newsletter editor. Only =
published once a year [though due to transitions, no letter was possible th=
is year].  This is quite a bit of work with all the images
we included, etc. and I know that folks liked it. But that said, maybe it&=
#8217;s time to STOP the newsletter and just have e-news text announcements=
every once in a while via email that the SAN Chair or an E-newsletter edit=
or can circulate. Similar to such sent
by sections of ASA with updates every once in a while. The Chair could do =
this or we could have an officer role.

bsp;           &nbsp=
;            &n=
i. &nbsp=
If anyone i=
s interested in this kind of role, let me know. 

dues are indeed due and some members have not paid in years [we have about=
130 members but just over half are fully current with
their dues].  With this many officer transitions we will also likely =
update our network. So if you are not current for the past few years, we ma=
y remove you if we do not receive your dues by the end of August.  Our=
dues are extremely affordable and help fund
our student competitions, maintaining yearly fees for the website, and oth=
er network related costs, as well as allow for periodic expenses that may c=
ome up [e.g., like when Chair Tasi put on a mini conference]. So please PAY=
up or let me know that you would
like to opt out of your SAN membership.


Ok, that’s all.  My since=
re apologies for this late information. I should have made these announceme=
nts earlier. Hope to see you at the SAN Business Meeting. Again, I
promise to keep the meeting short as I know it’s a really bad time.&=
nbsp; Try to get there a few minutes earlier if you can


Best, CF


Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology, Director =
of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue Uni=
versity, School of Liberal Arts

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.=

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202




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