Reminder – SAN Student Awards May 24 Deadline Approaching

Please circulate widely and encourag=
e your students to apply. 


Announcing the SAN 2014 Awards – May 24 Deadline

2014 Martin Levine Studen=
t Paper Competition
: The Sociologist AIDS Networ=
(SAN) invites students to submit an original, 20-30 page (double-spaced) p=
aper on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS for the annual student paper comp=
etition. The topic is broadly defined and can include any aspect of HIV/AID=
S from a sociological perspective.
The student must be the first author and must have written most, if not al=
l, of the manuscript. The winner will receive an award of $100 and a five-y=
ear membership to SAN. Papers (and questions) should be submitted to the co=
mmittee chair, Lynn Gazley, at:

2014 SAN Scholarly Activi=
ty Award
: The Sociologist AIDS Network (SAN) Sch=
Activity Award aims to nurture scholarly interest in the sociology of HIV/=
AIDS by supporting the work of emerging scholars in the field. One-two appl=
icants will be chosen each year to receive a one-time award of up to $250 a=
nd a year of free membership in
SAN. Any graduate student working on topics in the sociology of HIV/AIDS a=
re eligible to apply. Supportable activities include, but are not limited t=
o: 1) Research expenses such as providing incentives to research subjects, =
transcribing interviews, or copying
archival materials; Travel to conferences to present original research. Ap=
plications should include:

– A comp=
lete budget for your conference travel, research project, or other scholarl=
y activity.

– A proj=
ect proposal of 2-4 pages, including:

– Descri=
ption of the research project to be completed or presented.

– Contri=
bution of your scholarly activity to the Sociology of AIDS.

– Descri=
ption of how funds will be used and when the activity will be completed.

– One le=
tter of recommendation from your thesis/dissertation chair or faculty advis=

      Nominations (and questions) should be submit=
ted to the committee chair, Ben Drury, at: by May 24, 2014.=


The winner(s) will be notified in ea=
rly August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the SAN=
Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Note: We are currently seeking 1-2 additional volunteers to serve on the=
2014 SAN student committees. Graduate students and junior
faculty are highly encouraged to consider the experience as it’s a g=
reat way to get your ‘feet wet’ with service activities that wo=
n’t take too much time. The service can be documented as service to t=
he discipline on your CVs. If interested, email Carrie at



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Sociolog=
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


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