Gilead Sciences Research Scholars Program in HIV

Gilead Sciences – Research – Scholars – Program in HIV



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Dear Colleague:

On behalf of the Scientific Review Committee, I am pleased to provide you w=
ith information on the Gilead Sciences Research Scholars Program in HIV. Th=
is Program supports innovative scientific research that will advance knowle=
dge in the field of HIV. Below are
links to an informational brochure, as well as a flyer, which can be poste=
d or distributed to others within your institution who might be interested =
in this program.

Click to Download Brochure

Click to Download Flyer

(You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to
view these files –
click here to download it free!)

The awards provide financial support to 3 =
junior faculty researchers for a 2-year period. Each award is funded up to =
$130,000, to be paid in annual installments of up to $65,000
per year for 2 years. For a complete overview of the program, please go to=

The deadline for online application sub=
mission is Midnight, Eastern Standard Time, Friday, December 12, 2014.


The Committee and Gilead Sciences, Inc. re=
cognize the importance and value of basic and clinical research in the fiel=
d of HIV. We look forward to working with you to encourage
and promote the submission of excellent research proposals for considerati=
on of support through these awards.


If you have any questions, please contact =
the Research Scholars Program Coordinator at:
Telephone: 646-674-1820
E-mail: hivresearchsc=




Joel E. Gallant, MD, MPH
mmittee Chair

Associate Medical Director, Specialty Services
Southwest CARE Center
Santa Fe, NM




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holars Program please send an email to: wi=
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