Application now open for CAPS Visiting Professors program, summer

Application now open for CAPS Visiting Professors program, summer 20=

From: rectalmi= [mailto:rectalmicro-bounces@lists.critpath.o=
On Behalf Of Bare, Michael
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 5:21 PM
Subject: [RectalMicro IRMA] FW: Application now open for CAPS Visiti=
ng Professors program, summer 2014



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Application available:=
Visiting Professors summer 2014

Dear Colleague,

The Center for AIDS Prevention Studies’ (CAPS)&n=
Program for Scientists Conducting Research to Reduce HIV/STI Health Dispar=
 at the University of California, San Francis=
co is accepting applications for the 2014 Summer Program. The deadline to a=
pply is Friday,
January 17, 2014.

Download the application form (Word doc) here=

This program is designed to assist investigators interested in conducting H=
IV research with ethnic minority communities to strengthen their programs o=
f research and obtain additional funding for their work. Scientists in the =
program have access to the expertise
of a team of mentors who are successful at conducting research in minority=
communities. The goals of the program are:

To increase the quantity and quality of HIV=
and related (e.g., sexual and reproductive health, substance use) research=
targeting vulnerable, underserved U.S. populations (e.g.,
racial and ethnic minority groups).

To develop theory-based, culture-specific i=
nterventions to prevent the spread of HIV, substance use, and to promote se=
xual and reproductive health among underserved U.S. populations.=

To increase the diversity among principal i=
nvestigators funded by the NIH.

Program participants 2012-2014 (L to R):
T. Alex Washington, PhD, Professor, California State University, Long Bea=

Naomi Hall-Byers, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Winston-Salem State Univ=

Marlon M. Bailey, PhD, MFA, Assistant Professor, Indiana University
Not pictured: Carolette Norwood, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of =

Program participants will:

Spend 6 weeks in San Francisco for 3 consec=
utive summers.

Receive a monthly stipend for living expens=
es and roundtrip airfare to San Francisco.

Receive up to $20,000 to conduct preliminar=
y research before the second summer, to collect preliminary data for a larg=
er NIH application.

Accomplishments: Since 1997 the program has provi=
ded training, mentoring and technical assistance to
55 Visiting Professors from universities in the contin=
ental US and Puerto Rico

31 of these scientists work primarily with =
African American communities; 15 with Latino communities; 4 with Asian/Paci=
fic Islander communities; 5 with multiple communities
of color

Program participants have received over
$168 million in grant funding, including
65 multi-year awards from NIH, CDC, HRSA, SAMHSA, or f=

Visiting Professors have generated over
670 articles published during or after participation i=
n the program

Please forward this message to anyone who may be inter=
ested in applying, as well as groups that you are active with.
You can also
download a one-page flyer for a bu=
lletin board or handout. For more information about the program, pleas=
e visit the website at
and feel free to contact us via email or telephone.

Program co-directors:

Tor Neilands, PhD    &nbsp=

Diane Binson, PhD
Marguerita Lightfoot, PhD

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Copyright © 2013 UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention =
Studies, All rights reserved.

These emails are sent to past and current participants in the UCSF CAPS Vis=
iting Professor Program.

Our mailing address is:

UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studie=

50 Beale St, Ste 1300

San Francisco
CA 94143

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