Antiretrovirals and HIV Prevention: A Conversation with Key Opinion

May be of interest. &n=
bsp;– CF


From: rectalmi= [mailto:rectalmicro-bounces@lists.critpath.o=
On Behalf Of Sean Cahill
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 4:57 PM
To: Sean Cahill
Subject: [RectalMicro IRMA] Antiretrovirals and HIV Prevention: A Co=
nversation with Key Opinion Leaders About a New Paradigm


Dear colleagues,


In October 2013 some 4=
0 other leaders from HIV/AIDS and LGBT advocacy organizations, as well as h=
ealth care providers, policy makers, researchers, and journalists, convened=
together at The Fenway Institute to
examine recent research on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the prevent=
ive effects of HIV treatment—known as treatment as prevention (TasP)&=
#8212;and the implications of these developments for HIV prevention.


We are happy to share =
with you a webpage that contains edited video clips of the presentations an=
d Q&As, powerpoints that were presented, and the agenda for the day and=
a half meeting. At this convening we examined
ongoing PrEP demonstration projects, how to educate the healthcare workfor=
ce about antiretrovirals and HIV prevention with gay and bisexual men and t=
ransgender women, how LGBT-focused community health centers are responding,=
and other topics. Among those presenting
were Greg Millett, Jim Pickett, Kali Lindsay, Joanne Keatley, Laura Cheeve=
r, Stephanie Cohen, Leandro Mena, Trip Gulick, Stacey Long, Phill Wilson, N=
adine Smith, and many more.


Here is the link:




We hope you find this =
helpful in your work, and encourage you to share it with your networks. Thi=
s information is especially important and timely given the new CDC clinical=
guidelines for PrEP issued last Wednesday,
May 14th.


Best wishes,


Sean Cahill, Ph.D.

Director, Health Policy =

Fenway Institute

1340 Boylston St.

Boston, MA 02215


Ph 617-927-6016




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