Affordable Hotels in Melbourne (AIDS 2014)?

Hi Everyone (Apologies for cross-pos=


Are you going to the AIDS Conference=
in Melbourne? Do you live in Melbourne? If so, I need your help. 


Has anyone had any luck finding affo=
rdable accommodations within walking distance of the conference (within a m=
ile or so) or easy public transportation?   By affordable,
anything less than the cheapest room available through the conference whic=
h is US$85 a night?


I am writing on behalf of a dear fri=
end, Moses Supercharger who lives in Uganda and has a band called “St=
igmaless”.  The band consists of about 20 HIV positive youth who
do some amazing work. Here is a video by the group   Six of these H=
IV positive youth (ages 18-22, 2 young men and 4 young women) received scho=
larships to attend the conference but unfortunately, the scholarship only c=
overs the cost of airfare and registration. 
They did not receive a housing scholarship.  The conference hotels ar=
e completely out of their price range.   They would need a maximu=
m of three rooms (and possibly 2 if any rooms can accommodate all four of t=
he women).


It truly would be an amazing experie=
nce for them
to attend.  Any suggestions =
on more affordable places to stay are greatly appreciated! Many thanks! — =



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Sociolog=
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


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