2013 SAN Competition Awards – Please advertise widely.

Just another friendly r=
eminder to please circulate our SAN awards widely to your networks, student=
s, etc.  Deadline for all awards is May
24. See below. SAN Student members should especially consider applying for=
one or both of the student awards! — CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:09 PM
To: SAN-L@list.iupui.edu=

Subject: 2013 SAN Competition Awards – Please advertise widely.=


Dear San Colleagues, the Call for the SAN 2013 Award=
s are now open (Deadline for all is May 24).  Please see below for det=
ails  and distribute widely.  The announcement will also appear i=
n the February Issue of Footnotes and in the Winter/Spring
SAN Newsletter.  — CF





Career Contributions to t=
he Sociology of HIV/AIDS Award

This Sociologists of AI=
DS Network (SAN) award honors outstanding contributions to the Sociology of=
HIV/AIDS. The award recognizes work that has significantly
advanced our understanding of social aspects of the pandemic, or that has =
contributed to prevention, treatment, or policy interventions. Nominees sho=
uld have pursued substantial research and/or applied work related to HIV/AI=
DS, and should have worked in the
field for at least ten years, normally longer. Nominations (of yourself or=
others) should include a statement of one-two pages about the nominee&#821=
7;s qualifications and an electronic copy or web link to her/his CV. Schola=
rs who were nominated in the previous
round will automatically be re-considered, but nominators should feel free=
to submit additional materials.  The winner will be notified in early=
August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the SAN Bu=
siness Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Dr. Judy Auerbach (2008 SAN Career Award Winner), Dr. Bronwen Lich=
tenstein (2009 SAN Career Award Winner) and Dr. Matt Mutchler. 
Nominations (and questions) should be submitted to the committee chair, Ju=
dy Auerbach, at:
judithd.auerbach@gmail.com  by May 24, 2013.




2013 Martin Levine Studen=
t PAPER Competition

The Sociologist AIDS Ne=
twork (SAN) invites students to submit an original, 20-30 page (double-spac=
ed) paper on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS for the annual
student paper competition.  The topic is broadly defined and can incl=
ude any aspect of HIV/AIDS from a sociological perspective.  The stude=
nt must be the first author and must have written most, if not all, of the =
manuscript.  The winner will be notified in
early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the =
SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.  The winner will receive an=
award of $100 and a five-year membership to SAN.  Submissions will be=
reviewed by Dr. Lynn Gazley (Paper Committee
Chair), Daniel Grace (2012 paper award winner), and Dr. Ami Moore.  P=
apers should be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Lynn Gazley, at: 
lynn.gazley@gmail.com &nb=
sp; by May 24, 2013.




2013 SAN Scholarly Activi=
ty Award

The Sociologist AIDS Network (SAN) Scholarly Activity=
Award aims to nurture scholarly interest in the sociology of HIV/AIDS by s=
upporting the work of emerging scholars in the field.  One-two
applicants will be chosen each year to receive a one-time award of up to $=
250 and a year of free membership in SAN.  Any graduate student workin=
g on topics in the sociology of HIV/AIDS are eligible to apply.  Suppo=
rtable activities include, but are not limited
to: 1) Research expenses such as providing incentives to research subjects=
, transcribing interviews, or copying archival materials; Travel to confere=
nces to present original research.


Applications should include:

– A complete budget for your conference travel, resea=
rch project, or other scholarly activity. 

– A project proposal of 2-4 pages, including:

– Description of the research project to be completed=
or presented.

– Contribution of your scholarly activity to the Soci=
ology of AIDS.

– Description of how funds will be used and when the =
activity will be completed.

– One letter of recommendation from your thesis/disse=
rtation chair or faculty advisor.


The winner(s) will be n=
otified in early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announc=
ed at the SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Ben Drury (Scholarly Award Committee Chair), Dr. Jorge Fontdevila,=
and Dr. Laura Bisaillon.  Nominations (and questions) should
be submitted to the committee chair, Ben Drury, at:
bmdrury@iupui.edu by May 24, 2013.




Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


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